
来源:斧牛2019-11-07 14:45:37




Hail adventurers!

The time for teasing is over. We are thrilled to announce Light’s Vengeance: a brand new project that is comprised of Symmetry vanilla, the Vengeance team, and also the Light’s Hope vanilla staff who are interested in progressing into TBC emulation.

Together we intend to offer Progress Through Expansion (PTE) experiences from 1.12 through the dark portal for players of our vanilla realms. Our players will be able to enjoy the fruits of years of labour developing TBC on cMaNGOS - a dream made possible by players and devs who wanted the best TBC experience possible available to everybody.

We’re sure there’s lots of questions. Not everything is confirmed enough to share yet, but for now, here’s the essentials:

The TBC core will be public cMaNGOS and improvements still being made by the Vengeance devs, who are all moving into the new Light’s Vengeance team.

Light’s Vengeance is a new project. At the moment the previous plans of the respective projects who are merging have currently not changed. This means Vengeance, as Light’s Vengeance, still intends to release Stormspire PvE i58/PTE TBC in early Summer, and the Light’s Hope project still intends to shut down their Vanilla servers following the release of classic.

More details for those interested in Stormspire will be available soon.

A PvP TBC server under the Light’s Vengeance project will be made at a later date (currently tentatively end of 2019; more details to come).

Character transfers will still be made available from the Light’s Hope realms at time of shutdown to be transferred to other servers. Light’s Vengeance intends to set up a vanilla server that PvP characters interested in PTE can transfer character data to while awaiting Light’s Vengeance PvP TBC. It will not be a F R E S H server (sorry, kids).

There’s a lot of work to be done to unify our three projects under one new umbrella, but we’re working hard on setting up our new home and we’ll have it ready soon. For now, find updates at:



We hope that everyone is as excited about this as we are! Have a great weekend!

The Light’s Vengeance Team

Symmetry - Light’s Hope - Vengeance 



戏弄的时间结束了。我们很高兴宣布Light's Vengeance:一个全新的项目,由Symmetry香草,Vengeance团队以及对进阶到TBC仿真感兴趣的Light's Hope香草工作人员组成。




圣光的复仇是一个新项目。目前,正在合并的各个项目的先前计划目前尚未更改。这意味着作为Light的Vengeance的Vengeance仍打算在初夏发布Stormspire PvE i58 / PTE TBC,而Light's Hope项目仍然打算在classic发行后关闭其Vanilla服务器。


Light's Vengeance项目下的PvP TBC服务器将在稍后的日期(目前暂定于2019年底;更多详细信息将在之后)制造。

在关闭时仍可以从Light's Hope领域进行字符传输,以将其传输到其他服务器。Light's Vengeance打算建立一个香草服务器,对PTE感兴趣的PvP角色可以在等待Light's Vengeance PvP TBC时将字符数据传输到该服务器。它不会是FRESH服务器(抱歉,孩子们)。





  • IOS

  • 安卓下载

https://oss.fnjiasu.com.cn/data/upload/version/vsg1.3.30/fnsg1.3.30.apk https://www.fnjiasu.com/content/7/3624.html
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